Here's to S!

They said it is impossible to find someone that can actually understand you. I couldn't agree more. I have never live with anyone other than my family for a long time, and I can say, as I've been living in the UK for 2 years now, this is my first time to open my life to new people. And here I found a new happiness that I couldn't describe, even through this blog.

I have never found a bunch of people that have seen the worse in me and still no judgements received, that are truly honest with me, always there to listen to my nags and people that I actually care, love and feel protective about. I have a lot of housemates, but today, and this entree is especially to honour the person that actually have stick with me through 2 years of ups and down.

At first when I met S, god, I thought she's a ladylike motherly girl just because she's wearing a gold bracelet. Don't get me wrong, my judgement is right. But I have never found a girl that I can just click and jinx. To talk about a whole lot memories we have made for the past 2 years, it is over indescribable. But all I can tell, she has inspired me to be strong for everyday I was in tears, provide me medicines when I was sick, and cook for me when I don't even asked her to.

She has been my foodie partner, travel partner, movie partner, gossip partner, cafe partner, library partner, camera partner, and the list goes on. She has seen the worst in me, and this I mean, WORST.

Today, I streamed live for her graduation, seeing her walking on that stage fabulously, GOSH she is graceful as always. Suddenly I have this mixed feelings. Yes, I am so happy for S. After seeing her from being enthusiast on the start of the semester until exhaustion on the last day of her dissertation, who on earth could've not been more proud and happy. But, I forgot. This also means that there's no more S to see me at my worse. No more knocking on her door and suddenly dance until the floor feels like it's gonna collapse. No more hopeless romantic buddy with romantic movies and wine. No more weird dance buddy in the middle of the street, and definitely no more presence of sister that I can hug whenever I want to.

Oh no, hold on the tears.

To S,
I'll definitely be happy for you. You have accomplished what you've been dreaming of. You've reached the point where you think you're impossible to earn. I know that you can no matter what 'less-self-confidence' thoughts you have in mind.

So here's to Sara. An incredible graceful person that happens to be one of the greatest gift in my life. Happy graduating! X

“Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation.”  - Rumi

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